0. Summary

This is the summary of the two articles:

  1. Making concrete analogies and big pictures
  2. Straightforwardness, Fearlessness and Improvisation: How to find the fresh perspective?

Some of the points are new and haven’t developed yet to be added in them.

First article

A weak analogy or embellishment is just local stimulation and will be forgotten soon, but a concrete analogy will intertwine to the text and allow readers to project themselves into it.

The intuition, big picture or insight can be revealed by making ideas continuously contradict each other. This is how the idea being incremental developed originally, and it lets the readers experience a bit of confusion each sentence, making the ideas deserve their attentions without having to sugarcoat or cherrypick them.

Understand where the flow emerges and dissipates will help overcome the jargon barrier without having to oversimplify them. Imagine the article is like a heatmap, and each jargon is a heat source, then the writer’s job is to locate them not too hot (too dense) or too cold (too uninformative).

The overall mindset is to define a word without defining it. This requires a lot of confidence in the topic, which is the result of not arrogance but actual expertise, and the author must remember the struggle they have when facing it and how they overcome the problem to empathize with the novices’ perspectives. (Myths can only be debunked when you are confident in your knowledge.)

Second article

It is an attempt to solve the vicious cycle which appears in different forms:

  • An expert is unable to describe what they see even remotely satisfactorily, but when they do, the novice cannot follow. And when the novice asks, the expert suddenly feels clueless in the question they knows very well
  • An important advise cannot be prioritized and taken into action, so it goes from one ear and out another
  • In a relationship, her insecurity invokes his insecurity, and his insecurity invokes her insecurity
  • What’s wrong with me? – Birdman screams in helpless, but everyone is clueless like him. He has to push himself to the extreme experience to finally find the tranquility inside.

The common theme is that the common ground seems impossible to reach, even when both sides try everything to do so. In such cases, questions may be asked in the hope of being open-minded, but the perceived answers is very faded, either by being exotic, misunderstood or distorted.

Despite of the numerous theories in communication skills, they are all not visualizable and imaginative to be intuitive enough to be reconstructed right in the situation, making the “practice makes perfect” unavoidably means “having no clue to do something I expect myself to do”.


Each unit of an article (phrase, sentence, paragraph, section) should be thought as an unique perspective, so the readers can see the topic in different perspectives. This makes a profound, advanced topic more playful, imaginative or transformative. (Taoism + Buddhism)

The changing or resetting of perspective explains the slippery of meaning or fluid concept (deconstruction), how a draft evolves, and how to see the result after solving the insecurities, why everything is ephemeral (Buddhism).

The formation of movement explains how a draft evolves, why one has to climb over their conceptualization (Buddhism, Kant), and why searching for meaning is achievable and important (existentialism, logocentricism).

Take a break when your mind is blank to change the perspective.

It is natural to have asymmetry roles in a relationship (giver – taker), but it all comes down to having different perspective.

Fearlessness + improvisation

To regulate undesired emotions, instead of repressing the fear cluelessly, making the confrontation more playful will help one access a new perspective. In this new perspective, they can have a fleeting moment of relief before confronting, and can maintain the imagination during the process. (Taoism)

To escape the vicious cycle, at least one person should take a break to calm back (blur the undesired emotions), in order to re-generate the words to describe their feelings or original motivations (amplify the desired clearness). Only hearing these words that both sides can get out of the cycle (refer to the myth debunking). But of course having prepared for it beforehand is better (refer to the Straightforwardness section).

To get out of the clueless stage, one just needs to identify the signals from the environment by asking “what makes it resonated?”, “which does it resonate with?” and similar questions. Anecdotally, my body can now act before I realize what I should do; before coming up this, I couldn’t resist a persuasive seller, or feel what others feel. (Taoism)

To stop speculation or rumination, one needs to see how the person they are aiming at is not passively expecting for results, but actively gazing at them in a distance. It assures their worry that everything they do and think isn’t ignored, but the cold, sharp and emotionless nature of it cuts down the effort to please that person to have their love in return, hence unclouding the most important thing to do. Imagining that person is gazing at them will help them gazing at themselves; the fresh perspective will come when this gaze is reconstructed successfully in the mind.






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