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Cover letter

I studied physics in university. The natural science background gives me (1) solid knowledge of mathematics to handle number related problems, and (2) an intuition to analyze any phenomenon. For example, there is a TED talk about the similarities between physics and marketing by Dan Cobley, marketing director at Google. I have a determination to work out the problems thoroughly, and push myself to the limit. There is always new knowledge, but if you understand how the brain works, the knowledge can be learned quickly, effortlessly and joyfully.

From the Lightninged project, I had an opportunity to learn many business knowledges and skills such as price negotiating, patent and copyright infringement, market researching, business model, etc. In my experience, to manage all the ideas that coming as flood, a note-taking system that has multiple levels of section is very helpful. To measure the progress, Gantt chart can be used. In my opinion, before working on the project itself, sketching the plan and getting familiar with the tools should be done first, and still need to be modified or improved onward.

Searching for an effective method to communicate is one of my greatest enthusiasms. This includes writing, presenting and designing. My writing is to the point with precise words and rhetoric devices. When giving presentations I only use slides when it’s necessary – the attraction comes mainly from the presenter, not the material. If there are charts to show, knowing data visualization can help reveal the meaningful information. In short, a clear, interesting and emotional message will last long in the audience’s memory.

As for my language ability, my first research written in grade 11 was about Vietnamese language. It described how Vietnamese people addressing each other when they are in romantic relationship, and attempted to explain why. Last year I started a project to make a fine flashcard deck to learn advanced English vocabulary. The free prototype version is unexpectedly welcomed. Translating is also my interest, since it helps bring interesting articles written in English closer to Vietnamese readers. To have a high quality translation, the translator should have a strong knowledge on both languages and cultures, and be familiar with the content to be translated. I have translated four chapters of a specialty book and some articles. You can read one of them here.



